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Kindergarten Prep Classroom 

With school on the horizon, pre-kindergartners are inspired to think critically, explore new ideas, and build on language, art, and social skills they’ll need to succeed.


  • Exploration: observe, research, chart findings, and use tools and technology
  • Problem-Solving: conduct long-term projects to test ideas/find solutions ( studying ants, woodworking), science journals and annual science experiences


  • Visual Arts: communicate ideas visually; explore art books/artists; use a variety of mediums and tools
  • Creative Movement: learn complex dances; understand rhythms/patterns in music
  • Dramatic Arts: compose stories or plays; use imagination in play; assign roles


  • Number Sense: solve simple number problems; distinguish patterns; count objects; and make sets
  • Spatial Relations: measure volume and size; build geometric structures; and understand concepts of time, rotating math stations and math journals


  • Healthy Living Practices: yoga, mindfulness, and physical activity
  • Nutrition and Safety: make healthy food choices; engage in cooking activities; take care of personal needs
  • Nature Experiences: observe plants and animals; grow a garden; explore the natural world

Building Character

  • Character and Community: understand home, the classroom, and the larger community; begin to develop positive character traits
  • Environmental Awareness: care for plants or animals; recycle; clean up after ourselves
  • Diversity Awareness: understand and appreciate differences; use maps


  • Social-Emotional: develop friendships; ask for help; resolve conflict; express compassion and empathy; and identify emotions
  • Executive Function: take turns; persevere through a task; regulate emotions; and see another’s perspective


  • Listening and Speaking: ask questions; expand vocabulary; and participate in back-and-forth discussions
  • Early Literacy: listen to/retell stories; write simple charts, letters, and journals, daily pre-reading and writing 

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